Author: Sándor Mádi
Montenegro is participating in the contest since 2007, they sent 6 songs so far, but only Sergej Cetkovic reached the final last year. Before Sergej, Andrea Demirovic (2009, 11th place) and Who See ft. Nina (2013, 12th place) were so close to qualify. This year Knez represent the country with his song, Adio. The composer of the song is the well-known Eurovision-veteran Zeljko Joksimovic. Enjoy the interview I made with Knez!
What was your first step in your music career?
I have started with music when I was only 6 years old, because of my father, Mili Knezevic. He was a musician and composer, so he introduced me to the magical world of music. My first public performance was a victory on the children’s festival Suncokril, with a song “Bio jednom jedan lav” (there was a lion). So few years after, my father gathered the best musicians back then and created my first, Montenegro band. My solo career started 1992. and since then I have released 10 music albums, music videos, had concerts and gigs, and performed at all regional and national music festivals. The music I sing is mostly pop, pop-rock. My first album name ‘’Kao magija” (Like a magic) was pop, while the latest album The magic of Balkans, is different music style I used to do. It’s very interesting change, more traditional sound from Balkans, let’s say it is urban ethno jazz, which sound shows cultural heritage of Balkan region and its countries.
This year you were selected to represent Montenegro at Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Vienna. What does it mean for you?
Apsolutly a dream come trure. I recieved a call from RTCG and since that was my wish for a very long time, that was the faster yes I ever said. Eurovision Song Contest is amazing chance for all musisicans and people from music indurstry to be heard and to share their music with everyone. Music connects people and I love that Eurovision is full of diversity from any point of view.
If you could pick up only one word which word describes your whole life and why?
That is very hard to put even in one sentance. We all have a thoughts when we think about our life until now, but it’s very hard to descibe it easily. I would need a whole book. But the most close is Emotion. I am very emotional guy, and I get many things on personal level even if it doesnt have nothing to do with it. Specially in a music industry this could be very hard.
Who are your favourite singers?
There are many artists, but maybe Christina Aguilera.
This year there are 40 entries in the contest. Do you have your favourites?
I do have of course. I like The Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Australia and many more.
What would you like to achieve in the contest?
I would like to sing two lives which means to enter the final. The composer of my song Adio, iz Zeljko Joksimovic, who has lot of experience in Eurovision. He took 2nd place in 2004 for Serbia with the song Lane moje, and 3rd place in 2012 with Nije Ljubav stvar. Also he competed as a composer for Bosnian Lejla in 2006 and Serbian Oro in 2008. So I believe we could get good position in the contest.
Would you like to leave a message for the readers of this interview at ESCHungary?
Thank you for reading my interview and hope I will get support from people in Hungary for my song Adio.
Knez left a special message for all the readers of ESCHungary. Check it here:
Here you can listen to the song of Knez, Adio:
Thanks to Knez for this interview and special thanks to Ivan Maksimovic.
The whole team of ESCHungary wish all the best in Vienna!
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