
2013. február
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A Dal 2013: Hungary kicks off national selection

dal_magdiCorresponder: Imre Klész
Source: MTVA
Streams on Internet from 20:15 CET: „Videótár”
A Dal 2013 on Satellite: Eurobird 9A, Galaxy 25, NSS 806, Optus D2. Details:

Hungary is going to start national selection A Dal 2013 tonight. Besides the live TV shows, there will be exclusive interviews that are streamed only on Internet right after the tv shows, that you can follow on your PC, Mobile (iOS, Android) or the Eurovision Hungary Facebook page. The selection consists 3 heats, 2 semifinals and a grand final. Tonight, in the 1st heat, 10 songs will competing, 3 songs selected by jury are step ahead, so the viewers can send votes for 7 songs, where the top 3 voting collectors will join to the semifinals.

The contestants:
Agárdi Szilvi-Pál Dénes „Szíveddel láss” (Szabó Zé-Molnár Tamás)
Background „Neonzöld” (Berkó Gábor)
Baricz Gergő „Húz” (Baricz Gergő)
Bogi „Tükörkép” Kovacsics Ádám-Bata Adrienn
Fehér Zoltán „Nincs baj” (Fehér Zoltán-Burai Krisztián-Geszti Péter)
Gyurcsík Tibi „Örök harc” Vödrös Márton-Molnár Tamás-Geszti Péter
Keresztes Ildikó „Nem akarok többé játszani” (Köteles Leander)
Mrs. Columbo „Játszd újra” (Galambos Dorina, Hudák Zsófi, Sárközy Fanni, Kovács Norbert-Fecske András István )
Palcsó Tamás „Ezt látnod kell” (Tabár István, Palcsó Tamás-Tabár István )
Rácz Gergő „Csak állj mellém” (Rácz Gergő-Geszti Péter)

The show will broadcast m1 and Duna World live. Duna World reboadcasts the show on Sunday morning, at 3:00. During the live show, in a certain time period, you can send SMS votes from all around the World, for normal SMS price. You can send 20 votes from one mobile at most.

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