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Slovenia: Maraaya – We are passionate about music, singing, writing, about everything we do

Fotó: Tibor Golob

Fotó: Tibor Golob

Author: Sándor Mádi

Slovenia is an active member of the Eurovision Song Contest since 1993, their 21st participation will be this year. In the last 7 years they only managed to reach the final 2 occasions (2011 and 2014). They send Maraaya duo to Vienna this time, their song is Here for you. I asked them about their career, aims and, of course, about Eurovision.

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Serbia: Bojana Stamenov – The moment I’ ve learned to speak was the moment I’ve started to sing

Fotó: Slobodan Sarić

Fotó: Slobodan Sarić

Author: Sándor Mádi

Serbia as an independent country participated in the contest in 2007 for the first time and they won it, thanks to Marija Serifovic. After that their results were quite various, they skipped the contest last year. This year Bojana Stamenov will represent the country with her song, Beauty never lies.

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Music connects people and I love that Eurovision is full of diversity from any point of view

(C) Bojan Stnic

(C) Bojan Stnic

Author: Sándor Mádi

Montenegro is participating in the contest since 2007, they sent 6 songs so far, but only Sergej Cetkovic reached the final last year. Before Sergej, Andrea Demirovic (2009, 11th place) and Who See ft. Nina (2013, 12th place) were so close to qualify. This year Knez represent the country with his song, Adio. The composer of the song is the well-known Eurovision-veteran Zeljko Joksimovic. Enjoy the interview I made with Knez!

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Switzerland: Mélanie René – For me, music is all about sharing something with the audience

melanie_rene_press_2Author: Sándor Mádi

Switzerland is participating in the Eurovision Song Contest since the beginning, 1956. They won it, but after that they had to wait 32 years to get the first place once again with the help of Céline Dion. Since the introduction of the 2 semfinals system they only reached the final 2 occasions. This year Mélanie René will represent the country with the song Time to shine. We talked with Mélanie about her music career, her plans.

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Representing a country in Eurovision is a small victory in itself.

(C) Eduard Romanyuta - Promotional Photos EUROVISION.TV

(C) Eduard Romanyuta – Promotional Photos EUROVISION.TV

Author: Sándor Mádi

Moldova participated in the Eurovision for the first time in 2005 and they reached their best result, a 6th place. Since the two semifinal system they qualified for the grand final 5 times, but they were not in the top 10. This xear Eduard Romanyuta represents the country with I want your love. Enjoy the interview I made with Eduard!

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Before the national selection no one knew me but now everyone in Iceland knows who I am

(C) Jonatan Gretarsson

(C) Jonatan Gretarsson

Author: Sándor Mádi

Iceland debuted in 1986, their best results is the 2nd place, they reached in two times (1999 and 2009). Since the 2 semifinal system (2008) they reached the final everytime, but their results there were almost out of top 10. This year the young Maria Olafs represents the country with her song Unbroken. Enjoy the short interview I made with Maria!

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Romania: Voltaj – Our traditional message is: live your life as you would have 20 years old!



Author: Sándor Mádi

Romania debuted at Eurovision Song Contest in 1994. Since this year they reached the third place 2 occasions, in 2005 and in 2010. Since the introduction of 2 semifinals system they qualified for the grand final every single time, but their results are various. This year group Voltaj will represent the country with the song All over again.

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People says miracles can happen only in fairytales, but in my life there are small and big miracles every day

(C) Haris Farsarakis

(C) Haris Farsarakis

Author: Sándor Mádi

Greece celebrated their 30th participation last year, they debuted in 1974. Their best result is winning the contest in 2005 when Helena Paparizou sang Number 1. Greece is one of the countries who reached the final every single time since the 2 semifinal system. This year Maria-Elena Kyriakou represents the country with her song One last breath. Take a seat and enjoy the interview I made with her!

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Representing a country is a proud feeling but at the same time it is a big responsibility

(C) Stina Kase

(C) Stina Kase

Author: Sándor Mádi

Estonia is an active member of the Eurovision since 1994, they debuted along with our country. In 2001 they won the contest, so it moved to Tallinn in 2002. They managed to reach the final 4 times since the 2 semifinal system, although they went to top 10 only two times. This year Elina and Stig will represent the country with their song, Goodbye to yesterday. Enjoy the short interview I made with the duo!

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Eurovision means a dream fulfilled for me

 Cyprus: John Karayiannis John Karayiannis with Nikki Lee Dre Photo Work, Dre Photo work, Louis Loizides Mitsu, Dre Photo work

Cyprus: John Karayiannis John Karayiannis with Nikki Lee Dre Photo Work, Dre Photo work, Louis Loizides Mitsu, Dre Photo work

Author: Sándor Mádi

Cyprus is participating in the contest since 1981, their best result is the 5th place, they reached this on three times. Since the introduction of the 2 semifinals system, they only reached the final on 2 occasions, here they did not enter the top 10. This time John Karayiannis represents the country with the song One thing I should have done. Enjoy the interview I made with him!

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No matter what turn my life made over the years I’ve always came back to my true self and to the music

(c) Magnus Ragnvid

(c) Magnus Ragnvid

Author: Sándor Mádi

Azerbaijan is participating in the Eurovision since 2008 and they have never missed a single final, they were in the top 10 almost everytime. In 2011 Ell and Nikki won the contest and bring it to Baku. This time, Elnur has the chance to represent the country. He is not unknown to the fans of Eurovision: he and Samir were the very first representative of their country. This year he will sing Hour of the wolf. Take a seat and read the interview I made with him.

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Belgium: Loic Nottet – It’s a great concept to make a huge show where a lot of European countries can make a show together

(c) josh_brandao

(c) josh_brandao

Author: Sándor Mádi

Belgium is one of the 7 countries from the very first year of Eurovision Song Contest. They won the contest only once, when the young Sandra Kim brought the Eurovision to Belgium in 1987. Since the introduction of the 2 semifinal system the country reached the final only on 2 occasions, in 2010 and in 2013. This year Loic Nottet represents the country with the song Rhythm inside. Please take a seat, relax and read the interview I made with Loic.

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Belarus: We’ve been waiting for this chance for so long, it’ll be hard not to stop smiling at each other!



Author: Sándor Mádi

Belarus is an active member of the Eurovision Song Contest since 2004, their best result is a 6th place from 2007, thanks to Koldun. Since the introduction of the 2 semifinal system they qualified to the grand final on 3 occasions, but unfortunately they were not able to finish in the top 10 here. This year the Time has come, Uzari and Maimuna will represent the country with the song Time. Read and enjoy the interview I made with them!

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Malta: Amber – Life is about finding inner strength to overcome the obstacles we face in life


Aaron Briffa &cngfotography

Author: Sándor Mádi

This year Malta sends their 28th participant to the Eurovision, their best result is 2nd place two times (2002, 2005). Since the introduction of 2 semi-finals they reached the final 4 times, but expect Gianluca, they finished poorly. This year a real warrior, Amber got the chance to represent the country with ther song, Warrior. Which warriow will win the battle? Until we will know it, read the interview I made with Amber.

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Georgia: Nina Sublatti – I think Eurovision is a great chance for every Georgian artists to take

Fotó: GBP Levan Leko Chkonia

Fotó: GBP Levan Leko Chkonia

Author: Sándor Mádi

Georgia is taking part in the Eurovision Song Contest since 2007 and their best result is a 9th place in two years (2010 and 2011). Last year they finished last in their semifinal. This time the young singer, Nina Sublatti will represent the country with her song, Warrior. Read the interview I made with Nina!

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Austria: The Makemakes – We are not the typical kind of band one would image when thinking of the Eurovision

Makemakes-2Author: Sándor Mádi

The 60th Eurovision this year will take place in Vienna, Austria because of Conhcita’s winning last year. The country is participating since 1957, and they won the contest not only in 2014, but also in 1966 by Udo Jürgens. Conchita’s winning was very divisive, but this year they are sending something different. The Makemakes will represent Austria with the song I am yours.

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Israel: Nadav Guedj – I spend every hour with preparing for the stage performance

Fotó: Ortal Ziv Dahan

Fotó: Ortal Ziv Dahan

Author: Sándor Mádi

Israel is one of the countries that didn’t make it to the final since 2010. They won the contest 3 times, last time thanks to Dana International the Eurovision moved to Jerusalem in 1999. This year the young, only 16 years old Nadav Guedj will represent the country with the song Golden boy. Will Israel make it to the final? We will know it soon, until this read the interview I made with Nadav!

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Freaky Fortune ft. Risky Kidd: We wanted to write a song filled with positive energy

freakyfortune-riskykidd-highres-1Author: MÁDI Sándor

Greece is one of the lucky countries, which made it to the final every single occasion since the introduction of semifinals. Last year the free alcohol brought them a 6th place, this year the Freaky Fortune duo and Risky Kidd rapper represent the Greeks with the song „Rise up”. We only have some days left ’til the Eurovision final and then we will know if we would go to Athen next year, but until this, ready the interview I made with the guys!

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Paula Seling: I am in love with this special world that Eurovision creates

paula_seling_and_ovi_-_photo_4Author: MÁDI Sándor

Romania haven’t missed a final since the semi-finals were introduced back in 2004. Last year Cezar came 13rd with his song „It’s my life”. This time the representatives of Romania are Paula Seling and Ovi, the singers who finished at 3rd place 4 years ago with their song „Playing with fire”. Will they bring the first ever victory for their country, or at least will they be in the top 3 again? Soon it will be knows, but until this, read my interview I made with the duo!

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Mariko and The Shin: We are a little bit impatient to bring our work on to the big stage

georg_2014shiniandmariko1Author: MÁDI Sándor

Georgia’s first participation was in 2007 at Eurovision, their best results are two times a 9th place. Last year Nodi and Sophie were the representative of the country, and they reached 15th place in Malmö. This year Georgia sends Mariko and The Shin in order to reach a good place in Denmark. May they bring the Eurovision to Tbilisi? We still need to wait some more days, until this read the interview I made with Mariko.

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